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10ofthose CA

10ofthose is a Book Ministry that hand picks the best books from across the Publishers; ensures that they hold to the Bible; and then discounts them so that more can go out. They then use their profits to support missions around the world.

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The Gospel Coalition

Equipping the next generation for gospel-faithful ministry and promoting church reform and culture transformation.

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9Marks exists to equip church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources for displaying God’s glory to the nations through healthy churches.

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The Charles Simeon Trust

The Charles Simeon Trust exists to promote the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by training up the next generation of Biblical expositors.

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Heritage College and Seminary

Heritage College and Seminary seeks to engage students spiritually, and challenge them to integrate faith and learning in order to serve the church locally and globally, fulfilling the Great Commission.


North American Baptist Conference

The North American Baptist Conference is a family of over 400 churches with more than 74,000 worshippers in the United States and Canada. Founded by an immigrant missionary, North American Baptists are a diverse group of believers representing many cultures and languages.


NAB Eastern Association

The NAB Eastern Association is comprised of over 30 churches reaching across a rural and urban span to a wide range of cultural backgrounds.