Tyrell Haag | Senior Pastor
Tyrell was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. He holds an Honours Degree in Theology (B.Th.) from the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa. In Dec 2007 he was called to Constantia Park Baptist, Pretoria where he became the Associate Pastor.
In 2010 Tyrell felt led to reach out to the largely secular Northern suburbs of Johannesburg and thereby planted Heritage Baptist Church in the Melville area where he pastored for 10 years. In the fall of 2020, Tyrell was called here to Pineland Baptist Church and since arriving early in 2021, he now serves as the Senior Pastor.
Over the years Tyrell has blogged at www.calledconvictedconverted.com and hosted a weekly radio show and podcast on South Africa’s main Christian Radio Station. These shows can be heard at www.ttpod.co.za. He has a passion for preaching, the local church, evangelism, apologetics, city churches and cultural studies; all of this under the shadow of wanting to make much of Jesus Christ, that the lost might be saved and believers might mature in their walk.
Tyrell is married and has 3 young children. He spends his free time doing Brazilian Jujitsu.
John Magcalas | Assistant Pastor
John grew up in Hamilton, Ontario. In his teenage years, God opened his eyes to the glory of God, the gravity of his sin, and the grandeur of grace in Jesus Christ and gave him a desire to serve in pastoral ministry. He holds a Bachelor of Theology and is currently studying for his Master of Divinity at Heritage College and Seminary in Cambridge, ON. In January 2024, John was inducted as Assistant Pastor/an elder at Pineland Baptist Church. John is married to his wife, Julia, and has a daughter, Naomi. He is passionate about studying God's Word, worshipping God through song, and helping others follow Jesus.
Kevin Katzmann | Moderator
Kevin is an unworthy sinner, saved by the sovereign grace of God. Through much rebellion and resistance the Lord saved Kevin during a difficult time in his life, exposing him to the horror of his sin and drawing him to saving faith in Jesus Christ. After comprehending the truth of the Gospel and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, everything changed. God has given him a passion for His word, for the great commission and the local church. Kevin longs to see God’s people walking in the truth and for the extension of the gospel into unbelieving hearts. Kevin is married to his loving and supportive wife Christina and together they have been blessed with three children, Curtis, Cameron and Catherine. Kevin is humbled to be called an undershepherd and serve the Lord and His people at Pineland Baptist Church as an Elder.
Gerry Willard | Vice-Moderator / Elder of Support
My name is Gerry, I came to know the LORD through a membership class when my family first sought out membership at Pineland in the late 80’s. Since that time I have learned to trust implicitly in His direction and have sought to use my God given talents in whatever capacity I can.
Ably assisted by the volunteer members of the Ministry of Support, I am responsible for the physical assets of Pineland Baptist Church. This encompasses, building maintenance, capital improvements, custodial services, groundskeeping, finances, giving etc. Preparation and administration of the annual budget is also our responsibility.
Tom Ryan | Elder of Global Missions
My name is Tom and I have attended Pineland Baptist Church (PBC) since 1991. I was introduced to PBC by my future wife, Faye and came to Christ through Faye’s witness and through a PBC men’s bible study. I come from an Irish Roman Catholic upbringing, and it was at PBC that I first heard the full Gospel message of salvation by Grace. Eph 2:8 and 2:9 are my favourite Bible verses.
In addition, Eph 2:10 tells us that God has a plan for our lives. Personal revival and a Christ-like heart for the lost is my desire. At present, I am the elder leading the Global Missions Outreach. PBC support several missionaries reaching out to different people groups in the world.