Pastor's Pen

“And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” – John 2:4-5

A basic understanding of Jesus' life reveals that His earthly ministry focused primarily on two aspects: preaching and performing miracles. In John’s gospel the wedding at Cana marks the first miracle Jesus performs.

The occasion was a wedding that included Jesus, His disciples, and His mother Mary (John 2:1-2). Given the invitations extended to both Jesus and His mother, it is likely that the wedding was a family event, possibly involving one of their relatives. It is also important to recognize that first-century weddings were more extended affairs compared to today's standards, often lasting up to a week with guests staying for several days. Jesus' presence at such a festive gathering highlights the value of such celebrations. While Jesus does call us to a life of self-denial (Matthew 16:24), this does not mean we must lead a life devoid of joy and celebration.

During the wedding celebration at Cana, the wine supply was exhausted, as described in John 2:3. This led Mary to approach Jesus for a solution (verses 4-5). It is unclear what Mary anticipated Jesus would do. Since Joseph, Jesus' earthly father, was likely deceased by this time, and Mary depended on Jesus for support, she might have expected Him to obtain more wine through ordinary means or possibly perform a miracle. Regardless, this passage does not endorse the practice of seeking Mary's intercession, as sometimes interpreted in Roman Catholicism. There is no indication that the wedding hosts requested Mary to speak to Jesus on their behalf. This account simply narrates an event from Mary's lifetime and does not address her role after her death.

This incident demonstrates that Jesus alone decided when and what miracles to perform. In John 2:4, Jesus tells Mary that His time had "not yet come," indicating that His actions were not solely influenced by her request. Although Jesus eventually addressed the shortage of wine, He did so on His own terms, marking the start of His public miracles. This underscores that, as our Sovereign, Jesus has the authority to determine the timing and manner of answering every prayer.

Jesus, our Lord and Teacher, demonstrated through His participation in the wedding celebration and acceptance of lavish gifts (John 12:1-8) that Christian discipleship does not exclude the enjoyment of life's pleasures. While we are called to be generous and devoted, willing to give everything for Jesus, we are also encouraged to appreciate and enjoy the good gifts He provides.